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Helpful Resources

Thank you for participating in the Stop Food Waste Challenge! This page contains resources and tutorials to help you optimize your Stop Food Waste Challenge experience and encourage others to join. Find social media graphics, participant tips, and how-to guides for the challenge platforms.

Here's to a collectively successful and impactful Stop Food Waste Challenge! Need any other support? Contact us at [email protected].

Promote the Challenge

Use the following resources, including newsletter articles, social media posts and graphics, and posters, to spread the word, recruit teammates, and encourage people you know to join the challenge.

Stop Food Waste Media Kit

Posters and Flyers

Social Media Graphics

Promocionar El Desafío

Utilice los siguientes recursos, incluidos artículos de boletines, publicaciones y gráficos en las redes sociales y carteles, para correr la voz, reclutar compañeros de equipo y alentar a las personas que conoce a unirse al desafío.

Material promocional


Getting Started: EcoChallenge Overview

Join or Change Teams

Create a Team

Manage Your Team